Sunday, August 30, 2009


This is Asher playing with bubble gum. He didn't know what bubble gum was so he never tried to eat it. He just played with it for hours while we packed. There is a video at the end of the post.

He really liked the empty spaces we were creating. He begged me to play hide and seek. He always hid in the same spot. (this one)

And the pile of boxes began....

...and got bigger. I think there were roughly 60 by the end! (ridiculous)


Davie said...

That looks like a fun game! Maybe he is exploring some early number and math concepts with all those little pieces. I remember buying that little Thomas the Tank Engine bowl for him in Taiwan before he was even born; seems like eons ago now. I'm glad he's getting some use out of it - I'd rather play than eat, too. :)

PS - You guys are incredibly neat packers! And I don't think 60 boxes is too ridiculous when there are four people moving.

annesue said...

wow, crazy times, just reminds me how much i don´t like moving:( i sounds like you had a pretty smooth move though, so that is wonderful....TOMORROW, i will come and see your new place....CANT WAIT...
asher is so cool, playing while you are packing, whataboy:D...cnat wait to see HIM!!!