Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Handy-Man Daddy

Here is a picture of Asher's saw. It used to have an orange plastic handle. His Auntie Tracy gave it to him for his birthday and it was his favourite toy. He wore down the plastic ridges sawing everything. But it couldn't handle Asher's dedication to his craft and it finally broke. The pieces were on the kitchen table and he wanted to play with the orange handle part but I said no, lest it break more. I told him we had to wait and see if daddy could fix it for him. Later, I found him sitting in a kitchen chair just staring at it. :-( Scott came home and managed to fix it in 45 minutes!! Here is the finished product complete with its new wooden handle.

1 comment:

annesue said...

what a handy-man daddy asher has:) what a fine saw too!!