Friday, February 4, 2011

The Hockey Rink

OK, Biggar's. This one's for you. The Galloway's (remember Sonya?!) live on a lake and check out this hockey rink that they have. There have been two hockey games a week on it for the past month - every Friday and Sunday afternoon. Friday is the high school crowd and Sunday, a bunch of families come over and the little kids hang out and sled, play, and eat snacks on the side. The rink is beautiful and I've learned through this experience that it's a lot of hard work to maintain an outdoor hockey rink! Carson, my nephew, Scott, and Spence have put many man hours into keeping the surface smooth. They've probably put as many man hours (maybe more) working on it as they have playing on it.
Needless to say, when I'm on the ice or there is a game going on, I (we) think of you and how proud you would be to know of this. Even though mostly Red Wing fans work and skate on this, we represent the Canucks and Canada thank you very much!

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