Thursday, October 25, 2007

Daily Life

Brent and Scott making diaper wipes on a Saturday afternoon. I guess the grad students welcome a mundane task now and then...

Happy Halloween!

Go Yankees! "My dad makes me wear this..."

Hanging out with Tracy in the rocking chair. Don't be confused - this is not his mother!


Heather Estridge said...

Tell me about making your own wipes... Are you making them out of TP? Do you get them wet with water before using? Just curious, haven't heard of this before but I'm sure it helps the pocket book. Looks like you all are enjoying the everyday moments - it's fun, isn't it? Heather E.

annesue said...

hehehe, that is a funny pics of the priests, folding wipes:-) dang that little guy is good looking!

Suzanne Price said...

it is a roll of bounty cut in half. i only know this because i was fascinated by it and made tami teach me how to do it.

asher...i miss you and your mom and dad.

scott, tami and asher said...

Heather - As Suzanne said, it is a roll of Bounty paper towel cut in half. I buy the Select-A-Size kind. You obviously don't need to buy the Bounty brand but make sure you buy a good sturdy paper towel - otherwise they will fall apart. For every half roll, boil 1 cup water and add 1 tbsp baby wash and 1/2 tbsp of baby oil. Pour on the wipes. You can adjust the amount of baby wash depending on how soapy you like your wipes.
There are a variety of ways to store the wipes - whatever works best for you. We unroll them and fold them in a butterfly fan and feed them through an old Huggies wipe container.
It definitely helps the pocket book and is so gentle on baby's bottom!