Wednesday, August 29, 2012

At Long Last, A Name!

... Alma James Cameron!

Alma: Most of the time we lived in Vancouver, we lived at the corner of 8th and Alma.  It is a place of treasured memories.  It's also the place where we lived when Asher and Bella were born, so they are dual citizens.  We're happy to give Alma a name that connects her to her siblings and our time in Canada, even if we can't give her citizenship.  Alma also means a variety of things in different languages.  Most significantly, it means "nurturing" or "fostering" in Latin, as in alma mater.  It also means "soul" in Spanish, "learned one" in Arabic and "apple" in Hungarian.  A lot of layers to a rich name!

James: The middle name was easy - whether boy or girl, the middle name was always going to be James after Tami's father.  He is a wise, godly, simple - in the good way - and loving man and we are thrilled to give Alma his name.  You can't separate the man from his profession either, Jim is a farmer through and through.  Farming is something that runs deep in both Tami and my families and that is a connection that we wanted to make with this child.

If the wait was long for you, it was excruciating for us.  This girl was hard to name!  Alma was one of our favorites before she was born, but she didn't look like an Alma to us, those soft consonants weren't working.  We wanted something stronger.  In the end, we decided that if we'd call her Alma James - a double name in the Southern style - that would fit her well.


Drummer Boy