Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lovin' on Daddy

Taking Care of George

We swaddle Bella a lot so....Asher likes to have George swaddled in his green blanket. He carries him all around the house like this. He takes very good care of George.

We also carry Bella in a carrier a lot. This week Asher picked up the carrier off the futon and proceeded to try it he could carry George.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Asher reads to Bella

We were getting ready to leave and Bella was crying in her car seat. I had a few more things to grab before we could walk out the door and Asher saved the day. First he leaned over to talk to her and rocked her car seat back and forth very gently. Then he picked out his favorite book and read it to her. It worked - he would have kept her calm until we had to leave if I hadn't stopped to take a video! :-)

This week

We decorated Asher's room with Andrea's Arts Umbrella projects. It looks great.

Asher is wearing the "I'm the Big Brother" shirt Tracy made for him. It's such a cool shirt.
Can you tell Asher is proud of his little sister?

This is Bella wearing one of Asher's diapers. It was altered with duct tape. :-)
I was at Tracy's house having a play date and only had two diapers for Bella in the diaper bag. She proceeded to fill both of those during our time there which meant that Tracy and I had to get creative. This is the result!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Asher's First Popsicle

It was a hit!

He got to play in the dirt after his popsicle. It was a great day.

Bella's Weekend

This is one of the baby carriers we have for Bella. Andrea is "wearing" Bella at the basketball tournament - and it must be said, she wears her well! (yes, Bella can breath!)

Andrea and Bella are catching up on things from the past week.

Asher likes to give Bella the things he finds comfort in. In this photo, you can see she is in good company with his green blanket and George.

This is her Sphinx sleeping position - a rare treat for her since she is usually swaddled or in a sling when she sleeps.

Watching Daddy's Basketball Tournament...

...with my friend Annalese!

Bella's First Bottle

Friday, May 22, 2009

Swiss Princess

Thank you Julia!!! What a fun surprise to get a package in the mail from you....and CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming wedding. We wish we could be there to participate in what I know is going to be a beautiful ceremony.
We love the shirt!

Bella - 1 Month

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Art with Drea

Asher is getting a private art lesson with Drea! Arts Umbrella is going to have to deny him enrollment on the basis he's overqualified!!

Here you go Anne Sue

Here is Bella sporting her Danish attire. Thanks Auntie Sue!

Bella & Friends - Part 1

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Asher Misc

"Thanks for my very own Brown Bear, Andrea...

....and my awesome mask."

Dad has taken playing in the dirt to a whole new level.

This is what Asher thinks the swing should be used for when Bella is not occupying it.

She's Gettin' Cheeks

Ivy League Baller!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Asher's First Hair Cut (at a salon)

Scott has done a great job of giving him haircuts so far but we decided it was time for the salon. He did a great job! He watched Scott get his haircut first and when it was his turn, he held very still and the ladies gave him a lollipop at the end. He looks like a fine young gentleman.
Bella slept through the whole thing. :-)
Scott wants everyone to know that this is not his new hair style!